1. 2 Samuel 22:45; Psalm 18:44; 66:3; 81:15; Deuteronomy 33:29; Proverbs 14:19. Proverbs 16:7
2. Revelation 7:9; Matthew 8:11; Zephaniah 3:9; Acts 14:27; 15:9; Romans 11:12,25; 15:12; Ephesians 3:6; Matthew 13:32
3. Psalm 17:1; 1 Timothy 1:5; 2:5
4. Matthew 6:10; Isaiah 44:21-28; Malachi 1:11; Mark 10:42-45; Matthew 9:9-13.
The point is not that everyone, or even a majority, will be genuinely converted (but see Benjamin B. Warfield, “Are They Few That Be Saved?” in Biblical and Theological Studies
The point is that Christians will be the dominant source of civilization, and civilized people will submit to Christians, not out of coercion, but out of respect and admiration.
And also out of necessity. Members of "the Church" who are excommunicated will find it difficult to participate in the full range of the social benefits of civilization, because they are being shunned.
Our strategy is not to identify the "conspirators," as though they are the cause of "the breakdown of Christian culture." Christians must build, and unbelievers will fall in line.
In these Theses, "Patriarchy" is not the same as the "nuclear family." (Thesis 8: Patriarchy and "the Extended Family") or even the "extended family" (Thesis 39: Patriarchy and Education). "Patriarchy" means Christian Globalism.
She is like the merchant ships,
She brings her food from afar.
She makes linen garments and sells them,
And supplies sashes for the merchants.
Proverbs 31:14,24
This represents international commerce, even with those who may be feigning Christianity.
Competition in Commerce
In an age of Mercantilism, "archists" create monopolies. Consumers do business with the State's businesses, but not because the State's businesses are the most honest, or sell the highest quality good. The State legislates theft, by coercing consumers into accepting less in quality for a higher price than consumers would choose voluntarily.
Romans 1-2 tells us that even unbelievers know the difference between good and evil, between good and shoddy, between competitive and uncompetitive. The absence of the State and compulsory monopoly thus reinforces morality, by allowing the good, the competent, and the honest, to compete for consumer allegiance. The unconverted are forced to raise their standards to compete. Honesty and service thrive, and all men experience holistic salvation.
Incentives Against Crime
In the absence of organized, institutionalized archism, consumers in a Free Market will value the absence of crime, and entrepreneurs will rally to satisfy market demand by creating non-aggressive incentives against criminal behavior. Dispute resolution Agencies will be formed to hear grievances, and their findings will be publicly advertised. Credit will be withheld from guilty, unrepentant parties. Groceries will not be sold to them. Other acts of non-cooperation will create powerful incentives -- without coercion or violence -- to repent of sin and reconcile with aggrieved parties. The vast majority of unbelievers still want to participate and prosper in a Christian society, rather than be "outlaws." The small number of outlaws that will exist in a non-archist world is less of a threat to life, liberty and property than archists are when they have a monopoly of legalized violence, death and nuclear destruction.
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