Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thesis 58: The Civil Authority of The Pastor: Christ The Shepherd

The “shepherd” or “pastor” is a “civil” office,[1] again showing the mythical nature of our modern conception of “church-state separation”[2] and the irrelevance of most churches. The Kingdom was established by the Christ born in Bethlehem; “He shall shepherd His people.”[3]

1. Ezekiel 34; Jeremiah 23; Isaiah 44:28; Psalm 78:71-72
2. Ezekiel 37:24-28; Revelation 19:15-16.
3. Matthew 2:4-6; #55: The Throne of David.

Kittel, vol VI, pp. 486ff., notes that in the ancient orient, "shepherd" is a "common term for political and military leaders," used by kings to describe themselves as "one divinely chosen to bring salvation." The text at note 69 refers to "an ancient motif of world renewal, namely, that of gathering the dispersed flock." Ancient kings gathered by military conquest. Christ shepherds by regeneration.

Every Man a Lawyer
How lawyers (and other "public servants") should carry out pastoral functions. A clear threat to ecclesiastical "pastors." (Not all essays have been linked yet.)

How the Church Should Replace Empires

Revelation 1:6 and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Revelation 5:10 And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.”

Self-Government in Action: Christians -- The Body of Christ -- at first a shadow government, then progressively illuminating the world and leaving institutionalized violence ("the State") in the dark.

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