Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thesis 78: Patriarchy and Resistance to Tyranny in the Last Days of The Old Covenant

The Apostolic Church knew she ought to obey God rather than men.[1]

1. Acts 4:19-20; 5:29; cp. #29

We may add another thesis on non-resistance.

America's Founding Fathers made a mistake by using armed violence to change things. Taking up arms -- muskets and cannons -- against the British Empire was as unChristian as Jewish proposals to take up arms against the Roman Empire. Jesus said No to these tactics.

But if it was right to call the British government over the colonies a tyranny, and seek to end tyranny, it is more right to call the U.S. government a tyranny, and seek to abolish it.

Here is how:

No Force, No Fraud: Shunning government down

Abolish the Federal Government

The principle of resistance is limited.

We must obey God even if the State forbids it.
• We must preach the Gospel even if the State forbids it.
• The State has no right to prohibit the preaching of the Gospel and sins when it does so.

We must avoid sin even if the State commands it.
• We must not kill even if drafted and commanded to do so.
• The State has no right to draft and deploy, and sins when it does so.

It is a not a sin to be robbed by the IRS.
It is not a sin to be kidnapped and enslaved.

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